Zubes Cough Lozenges 100 Extra Strong

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Zubes Cough Lozenges 100 Extra Strong

Zubes Cough Lozenges Strong, for Cough, Cold and Sore Throats

Quick Relief from symptoms

A cough is a reflex reaction that is designed to keep your airways clear.

You may be coughing because of some conditions, like asthma or a respiratory infection, or because have swallowing difficulties.

Some view coughing as a grave portent of illness, it is actually a vital player in the body’s defense against disease.

Coughing expels mucus, microbes, and foreign particles from the respiratory tract, protecting the lungs from infection and inflammation.

A cough begins with an initial gasp that draws air into the lungs.

Then the glottis snaps shut, putting a lid over the trachea,

Thirdly the forceful contraction of the muscles of the chest cage, abdomen, and diaphragm.

In normal breathing, these muscles push air gently from the lungs up through the nose and mouth.

But when the glottis is closed, the air can’t move out, so tremendous pressure builds up in the air passages.

Finally, the glottis swings open and the air rushes out. And it is quite a rush; in a vigorous cough, the air travels out at nearly the speed of sound, creating the barking or whooping noise that we call a cough.

That is why you need Zubes Cough Lozenges Strong 100 extra strong


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